Free Up Your Time, Fuel Your Franchise Growth

A Second Set of Hands to Make Meaningful Progress Toward Your Goals!

With our fractional executive team, you can confidently put your attention on other aspects of your business that maximize your chances for success.

Spread Too Thin Trying To Do It All For Your Franchise?

Many leaders question the sustainability and effectiveness of their current situation, realizing that wearing multiple hats and trying to do it all may not lead to optimal outcomes. This is what we call “The Dilemma of Divided Attention” which is the struggle of allocating limited resources to multiple competing demands, resulting in a decrease in performance or effectiveness.
Are you facing the Dilemma of Divided Attention?
Pulled in various directions as you attempt to handle too many functions of your franchise.
Feeling frustrated and overwhelmed by your limited capacity.
Despite putting in the effort you’re not making tangible progress or seeing an ROI.
Neglecting important aspects of your business simply because there is not enough time.

Our Customizable Fractional Executive Solutions

Designed to lighten your load and fuel franchise growth.

Franchise Growth Plan

We’ll assess your business’s current performance and compare it against your desired future state goals, enabling us to build and execute on a strategy.
We need expert insights and guidance in building a franchise growth strategy

Franchise Recruitment

Whether you’re looking to enhance your current franchise recruitment initiatives through FDD improvements or technology upgrades; or looking for an experienced recruitment team that can either run the division or assist with transitioning it in-house, we’re here to help you effectively achieve your objectives.
We need a team of professional franchise experts & recruiters

Franchise Operations

Empower your franchisee’s strategic growth by optimizing operational systems and implementing top-tier franchisee onboarding processes, training plans, and more to elevate unit-level performance. This ensures that your best franchisees achieve even better results while providing the necessary support for underachievers to build and improve.
We need boots-on-the-ground operations support

Mastermind Peer Groups

Harness the power of our mastermind groups and join a group of other new/emerging franchise leaders, just like you, who will be guided by seasoned franchising professionals.
We want to tap into the collective intelligence of 6-10 other franchise leaders

Enterprise Strategy & Capital

Elevate your franchise business by securing capital, accessing expert mentorship, and implementing best-in-class systems and processes to boost your enterprise value and ultimately achieve a stronger valuation multiple over time.
We are facing resource constraints and need enterprise strategy and capital

Take Flight With Blue Maven

Free Up Your Time

Gain the freedom to allocate your time and attention to other aspects of your business that require focus.

Hit Goals Faster

Move forward with confidence, assured that your progress is guided by informed decisions, tested strategies, and effective execution.

Ignite Your ROI

You’ve devoted time and effort to scaling through franchising; now it’s time to realize a return.

Long-Term Growth & Scalability

Equipped with growth-oriented solutions rooted in effective foundations, you will not only expand but also ensure long-term sustainability.

Ecosystem of Specialized Partners

We’ve built a robust network of integrity-driven entities and individuals dedicated to delivering proven results.

How to Get Started


Book a Complimentary Discovery Session

Let’s get to know each other! This interactive session is the perfect opportunity for mutual exploration as we learn more about you, your journey, and your challenges while we offer some valuable insights into the current state of your business.

Uncover Your Customized Solution

As we uncover challenges that hinder or could potentially hinder your growth, we will offer a recommended path forward to effectively complete projects and navigate roadblocks to achieve tangible results.

Let’s get to work!

With our experienced team by your side, you can focus on what you do best while we provide the expertise and a second set of hands to propel your business to new heights of success and expansion.

How Blue Maven Rethinks Growth Enablement

At Blue Maven Franchise Solutions, we understand the challenges faced by founders and executives, having to juggle the demands of various roles and responsibilities within their business.
We go above and beyond for brands because it’s the right thing to do! Our mission is to ease the load, granting the time and space to redirect focus toward other aspects of the business. This shift enables them to gain traction, make meaningful progress toward their goals, and maximize their potential for success.
The Blue Maven approach is what sets us apart. We believe a customized solution is essential as every leader faces distinct challenges. We start by collaborating as a team to determine a tailored strategy that precisely aligns with the businesses’ growth objectives. Building on this blueprint, we further assist in successful implementation. Our expertise ensures that leaders can not only complete projects and achieve their goals but also do so on time and within budget.
Regardless of the solution that’s best, brands can be sure that their partnership with Blue Maven will proactively strengthen their business’s foundation so it’s set up for sustainable, long-term growth. Leveraging the insights we’ve collected from our experience working with over 50 brands, we’re well-versed in what works, what doesn’t, and what good looks like.
By partnering with Blue Maven, leaders can confidently shift their attention to other critical aspects of their business, knowing that with our support, they will be equipped to make informed decisions, avoid pitfalls, minimize costly mistakes, and ultimately accelerate their growth.

Strategic Partnerships